Friday, April 4, 2008

Which Way Is A Roller Blind Supposed To Go

Clarín, March 9, 2008, Supplement Education.

paper version: here.


Public safety, race

Ruben A. Arribas

The concept of 'public safety' is undefined, unless one wants to practice the demagogic simplification. Propose public policies in this area, which combine efficiency repressor and respect for democratic values, exceeds entrench topics as police on the corners, install hidden cameras or increasing the harshness with which are punishable crimes. Safety begins with the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, not suppression of these. Or so it follows the curriculum of the Bachelor of Public Safety offered by the University of Lanús (UNLa), an international pioneer in the field.

And is that a modern and mature society expects more than scapegoats for the crimes, wants answers in the background. For example, why a mother leaves her baby in the bathroom of a club where someone has cobbled together a nursery for a rock concert? How does a poverty rate of nearly 30 percent in the widespread feeling of insecurity there in Argentina?, what role the family plays in adolescents who are bitten street? Or what role does the health of drug addicts in a problem like drug trafficking? According to Gregory Kaminsky, director and creator of the race, to answer this kind of structural issues and propose solutions requires going beyond the legal-regulatory approach and to demonize the culprit of the moment. Without opening his eyes to the psychology, social history, anthropology or analysis methodology, devised strategies can not overcome.

Ironic Thus when asked to define 'citizen security', "Give me at least two and a half, and I say. " Two and half years that it lasts cycle UNLa degree offered by the tertiary education who prove superior in public safety and want to obtain an undergraduate degree. That is the case, for example, the police school leavers Juan Vucetich, who with their Tecnicatura only need to study 5 of the 8 quarters that make up the full degree. Also, officers can validate the preprofessional practice for a paper where they apply academic knowledge to the work experience they have in cases of child prostitution, domestic violence, drug trafficking, and so on. These

itself all students, whether police or not, pursue a degree or just this cycle, must pay consideration of matters such as Human Rights, Social History, Methods of Alternative Dispute Resolution or Statistics and Demography, and from this knowledge to understand the processes socioeconomic change, knowing how the organizations that constitute the fabric of the community or know how to detect and resolve conflicts. Also, UNLa required to approve a final paper, 3 English and 3 levels of computer, 70 hours each. Everything in order, as stressed by Kaminsky, to "open the analytical skills of graduates."

the moment there are already 15 and many students with a thesis in progress between the first two classes in this degree opened in 2004, the only one in the country and a genuine creation of UNLa. "In Argentina there is no other undergraduate course like this. What is more, we could not even copy the program from any university outside the country, "emphasizes Kaminsky. And notes: "Until now there were seminars, postgraduate or research, but not a university that would address the number one concern of our society." Hopefully in the coming years will be many voices that enrich the debates in this area: 500 students by 40 teachers, aspiring to graduate. Field to study, have more than enough, I hope that their research and work to provide a deeper insight and constructive in proposing public policies to eradicate crime. A more democratic and secure society depends on it.



can be of Buenos Aires and college student, why not. In the UNLa, 90 percent of undergraduate students cycle in Public Safety are conourbano cops. The other 10 percent is made up of prisons and gendarmes. Among all students form a mean age of 30 years.

"Some come because they want to break the social stigma of being police officers, other self-study by staff and some because with a degree have higher chances of promotion at work, "says Kaminsky. He added: "They travel from far and make a big effort to come. The teachers are very happy with them: they show a real interest in learning. "

Finally, aware of how sharp is the popular imagination, explains: "There is an agreement between the UNLa and police, these people come because they want, and behave like any other student. Here there are policemen, are students, come out of uniform and unarmed. "


Part of the work of Gregory Kaminsky and his research team can be read in "inclement weather, police and public safety cultures" (Publications of the UNLa, 2005), a collective that was born study the processes of police training in Argentina, with special attention to Buenos Aires.

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