Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Pokemon Mayasterbating

hearing impaired children Cologne for blind kids

[ask for a picture with Pilar Molina]

Clarín, 17 February 2008, Supplement Education.

paper version: here.


A day with the kids learning
the world may never see

During the school year, school Santa Cecilia works as an elementary school for blind kids 4 to 15 years. Opens in summer and winter as a colony for free. Ruben A.


"If you come to the colony, put on insect repellent. If you come to the colony, get into the pool. If you come to the pool, wet your tummy ...
"No, no," corrects Franco. The latter does not.

Franco is sitting in a chair typical kindergarten of those who just raised a foot and a half from the ground. With her little hand left ten year old, right hand grabs trusted adult to talk to him. Beside him, a teacher is waiting to go to breakfast. Although he does not know what the visible world, in these conditions feel safe, or so suggests his good-natured face.

- And how is it?

you find it strange voice is the first time he hears at school Santa Cecilia, where does the summer camp you are attending along with 30 other girls. Until a moment ago was singing with them.

- Who are you? He asks.

In continuous darkness that supply their eyes, hear a name and a profession he knows little, so, confianzudo, touches with the free hand of the ear lobe and face belonging to that voice. "You have a beard," he says. Gently slide your fingers up and makes the adult tilt your head so that he can explore. She laughs: "You are stripped." Finally, return to the chin and ear, where it stops because you notice something hard.

- What you have here?

Seat: the data is consistent with the tactile sensation. Rise head and directs his eyes narrowed to where he hears the voice.

"You talk funny ... Where are you from?

Franco could spend the morning as well, learning about the world that you can not see but feel. The teacher, who knows, urges him to go to breakfast: a bus waits to take them to the pool of Club Communications, and you must eat something. Then the journalist reveals the error:

"It's 'belly'. The latest is "wet your feet."

Then he shakes hands with the teacher, and walk up the ramp that separates the playground hall where will the dining room. Besides milk and sandwich cookies, there await other noises, skins, voices, textures ... that is, a new barrage of sensations to be ordered without the aid of sight. For the task to be less arduous, he and his colleagues have 5 teachers and 6 teaching assistants are awaiting them from 10 to 16 h.

According Pablo Pereyra-coordinator of the colony-City Government, most of these kids do not see it, or it prevents a tumor in the optic chiasm, or were born without gland growth or problems the nerve of sight because the mothers, for example, are drugged during pregnancy. And, as misfortunes never come singly, the poor do not lack for nothing: you have delayed maturation, the other was abandoned, several come from families with economic difficulties ... Fortunately, thanks to the contention that are here, they retain a sense of humor and vivacity of infancy.

- You're the journalist, no? Hello, my name is Barbara, I have 8 years, I dance and sing. I get newspaper: I am very excited. Before we did a show with my friends, and came to see you if you can tell.

The show referred to Barbara is the welcome song. Today she was mistress of ceremonies, and thoroughly enjoyed presenting to the microphone to all the guys who sing "If you come to the colony ...". While the journalist promises it will, she grabs one of the hands of that voice you hear first, and the little hand which she feels her free leg, he explores his arm touches her clothes ... Like Franco, before going to the pool to get wet feet, wants to take between touch and hearing all that you do not see.



Lucas, Alan and April exemplify the spirit of integration of the colony. Lucas (4) is the younger brother of Matthew (6) and Hernan (10). Unlike his two brothers, he looks perfect, a situation similar to living Pilar (6) and Alan (6) with their twins, April and Heritage. According to Paul Pritchard, "in the colony, laburos that children who are close to the kids with disabilities to come and play with his brothers, cousins, etc., So that they understand them better." And Lucas, Alan and Pilar so happy with the idea: here are slides, climbing, games, trips to the pool ... With three adult children, or not to see longer a criterion for dividing the activities. "These kids are given the same score than any of his age. Learning and all: the error repairing and reinforcing success, "says Pereyra.


Santa Cecilia School is Senillosa 650, Buenos Aires. During the school year, serves as a primer for blind kids 4 to 15 years. In the winter and summer, open and free-colonialism under the Special Education Recreation Program. Runs Monday through Friday, from 10 to 16 h. Registration is open all year. Phone: 4922 0459.


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