Wednesday, April 2, 2008

What Does Melenoma Look Like

Saavedra Kids Club Cinema

Clarín, February 3, 2008 , Supplement Education

paper version: here.
The photographs were taken by Frederick Hamilton .


leisure time at school on Saturday

During the school year, the program is developed in seven of the city. Ruben A.


"1, 2, 3 and back." "Girl, beware: you are joining." "Back, back." "Couples ... Now! ". A program damsels attending the Boys Club on Saturday morning to school United Nations, like to meet and dance. This group-that of girls between 10 and 12 years, is composed of about 20 girls who decide everything: music, choreography and even costumes. His teacher, Carla Kwasnik, only directed. If his students ask Shakira, Shakira gives. If you ask High School Musical, High School Music. If you say they set a bear for the end of the choreography of "The Ugly Duckling", he tosses. As in the other activities of the school turned into a club on Saturdays from 10 am to 13 pm, offer students and teachers guide, accompany, play.

"Here the boy chooses at any time where it is. If you are playing soccer and tires, it goes to the chess shop or an art, for example. Most of the girls come to dance class, but some only come to recount their stuff ... Today the neighborhood is not like when we were kids. Now there is more insecurity, less green space, many neighborhood institutions disappeared. We therefore propose that the school work on Saturdays as a meeting place and recreation, "said Luis Sanchez Berazategui, program coordinator in this club-Saavedra school.

addition to this center, which is called Shoe Saturday unruly, "there's another 5 attached to the Boys Club program (see box), sponsored by the Government of the City of Buenos Aires. This initiative, which is aimed at kids between 6 and 12, emerged in 2005 to fill the gap left by educational and recreational similar program, Youth Club, in operation since 1999 and aimed at over 12. With only two years, the Boys Club now has about 500 people a week, while his older brother received about 3 000 and opened 30 centers. The numbers in two programs are good, especially considering that the kids want to attend when and why.

The main feature of both initiatives is that each club-school develops its proposal. "We work with a flexible program that each school constructed from several factors: the number and capacity of teachers, physical space, the community where it is and the profile of the boys. And while we start from common themes in the work areas, form groups, using the game as motor propose expressive and artistic activities to promote sports-activities Kids Club offers each vary with the needs of each community, " Sergio clarifies Canosa, regional coordinator of the two programs.

For Slippers community of troublemakers, for example, the range of activities is enhanced by the availability of the park Padre Mujica which is right at the door. There are on this sunny autumn morning the dancers of the group of 6 to 10 years, who play the stain while waiting for the big finish his class with Carla Kwasnik. They play with siblings and Emiliano Carosel Lautaro (6), who, instead of waiting to rehearse the choreography of "Almost Angels" want to go kick the ball or try to chess. Although this will have to wait: almost 11 and a half and the teacher that cares, Rosa Calero, asked to return to school, waiting for the bait.

classrooms in the United Nations, others were also announced it was time for lunch. "A washing hands, to eat, "shouts Guillermo Telch, Professor of chess. Some leave then in the cork of the class who were painting the picture, however, others grab a board and get to play. Telch monitors who went out to eat and then, moving black, explains a play on the tower ... As you see, here or even have to go for the bait. If one wants to eat, eat. And if you want to play, play. It is clear then why the boys say that this is a good program Saturday.


No place like school
"The adult is essential for boys. To have education, we need an asymmetrical relationship between an adult and a child or young person. They are friends, not brothers ... Ie there is a relationship that involves differential responsibilities: the adult should guide, care, containment, protection ... This function is desirable that the company complies with all-parents, uncles, grandparents, school, state, however, the socioeconomic reality in certain neighborhoods has chronic unemployment, children who enter the informal labor prematurely or who have responsibilities such as caring for younger siblings . In such environments, the school has another value and dropouts, especially in high school, is high. Nuestros dos programas intentan recuperar espacios que se han perdido en los barrios, preservar el carácter juvenil de los chicos y ayudar a que los pibes construyan su proyecto vida, que asuman su realidad social como un punto de partida, y no como una fatalidad. Para nosotros, con sus ventajas y sus inconvenientes, la escuela es el mejor lugar donde ellos pueden estar”. Sergio Canosa, Coordinador Regional de Club de Chicos y Club de Jóvenes.

Dónde funcionan
Los 6 centros de Club de Chicos —de 6 a 12 años— adheridos a este programa del Gobierno de la Ciudad son los siguientes:
  • Caballito. Escuela José Ignacio Gorriti, Nicasio Orono in 1431.
  • Floresta. Ernesto Alejandro Bavio school in Bahia Blanca 1551.
  • Saavedra. United Nations School in Yrurtia Rogelio 5806.
  • La Boca. School Juana Maria Gutierrez, Rocha 1226.
  • Bajo Flores. Carlos Genis School in 2519 Agustín de Vedia
  • Saavedra. School Republic of Turkey, Ruiz Huidobro 3853.
all work 10 to 13 h, except Bajo Flores, open from 12.30 to 16 h, and the School Republic of Turkey, ranging from 12.30 to 17.00 h. The activities are free and lunch is included.


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