Sunday, March 25, 2007

Wife Husband Gloryhole Bi

Sadosky Foundation Senior

Clarín, March 25, 2007, Supplement Education

paper version: here first page and second page here.


Finding humanist inheritance of mathematical

The brand new center of excellence promoted Research on Information Technologies and Communication. Named after the brilliant mathematician Argentina, whose generosity forced others to give their best one. Ruben A.


When high school kids are asking "What is mathematics?" Should have on hand Sadosky's biography, his life is paradigmatic of what a scientist can take place in modern society. In fact, his legacy has such unanimity humanities and social legitimacy that the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Council of University Rectors Argentina, CONICET, cameras or CESSI CICOMRA technology companies and several organisms have chosen their patronage to create an advanced research center. Recent Sadosky Doctor Foundation is the legal concept that sealed a strategic alliance between the national government, universities and businesses to increase competitiveness in the long term. As explained Tulio del Bono, Secretary of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation of the name choice is not random, "Sadosky committed to a style of work."

And the footprint of this mathematician remains indelible in those who knew him. Some remember him as the visionary who Clementina in 1960 brought the first computer that had the country. Others because it symbolized that excellence in public education, which she dedicated her existence Sarmiento. Many because it felt like someone wiser than ever widening field of view of others-with a book, with a contact, constructive criticism, without asking anything in return. All agree that was an excellent business network builder and a leader whose generosity forced others to give their best one. Therefore, opening a foundation with his name implies assuming a way not only to science but to practice integrating humanism and social values. Also look to the future.

So, at least on paper, the Foundation will be instrumental Sadosky that would allow Argentina to meet the strategic goal: to become in 2014 a leader in the field of Information Technologies and Communication Technology (ICT). To this end, the Foundation shall be designed as a center of excellence to research, develop and innovate in this area and act as a node of the network integrating science and technology in the country. If all goes well, the government hopes to achieve so that the contribution to GDP of ICT-oriented companies grow from 1.8 to 3 percent and the total number of scientific researchers increase of 30 to 60 mil. Ultimately, this effort will increase the competitiveness of companies and will strengthen the productive sector, where the country has great opportunities for improvement, according to the study of strengths and weaknesses of the Argentine scientist by the government.

To Tulio del Bono, "who holds the position that Sadosky had during Alfonsin's government, the Foundation will work as a consultant to public-state hiperespecializada prioritize those lines of research in ICT that the board considers the greatest impact . Ie the dialogue between State, universities and industry will serve to refine where and how resources will be invested. The Foundation will act as a business incubator dedicated to technology, and will not compete against them. Sadosky As requested, this is not to generate abstract knowledge of the art, but to know high level applied to immediate social needs. For example, when he brought Clementina began to work 24 hours to correct census data or calculate the height and flow of rivers. That's the idea of \u200b\u200bApplied Mathematics and that he had implemented the Foundation.

In this sense, the mysterious acronym ICT today, sooner or later become something the public domain, as happened with the computer. Bonus gives several examples of its application on "In the agricultural sector can be a computer system that monitors moisture sensors and allows water more efficiently. In education, through good Internet connections, we can bring to the country's remote schools of high quality teaching resources. And governance practices, for example, can enable new ways of participation for citizens through public forums and referendums. " Come on, it will not be heading without introducing technology.

Until that happens, the Foundation is finalizing the legal procedures to start business in the second half of 2007. First open Headquartered in Buenos Aires and then articulate several regional nodes: "Probably start with Bahía Blanca, Córdoba, San Juan, Rosario, San Luis and Tandil," quoted the Secretary. Then proceed to tender for hiring 10 to 20 leading scientists to coordinate national research teams. While the lines of work will be decided by the board of the Foundation when this is established, the Bond anticipates that the items belong to telecommunications, microelectronics, robotics and the like. Regarding funding, he adds: "The State shall bear the costs of operating the first 4 or 5 years until the project self-sustaining through patents registered and the sale of services. The initial budget for the headquarters is 12 million pesos per year. "

And any objective for the short term? "Yes, human resources development. Argentina has few experts in ICT undergraduate or graduate degree, so, in my opinion, this is one of the major potholes that we save, "says Bond. Hence, the Foundation raises two immediate objectives: to collaborate with universities to establish undergraduate and graduate studies focused on ICTs and work with the Roots for the repatriation program and Argentine scientists specialized link in the field to universities here. The idea is, as Bond explains that "there are doctors, lawyers, agronomists, etc., for example, postgraduate study and specialize in ICT."

In short: in 2014-the year that meet Sadosky hundred years, "the acronym ICT will be as common as today's PC. Argentina, through this foundation, and it wants to get the train to the future. The media and the commitment of all sectors seem to be, now just need to take to roll the project. Yes, hopefully also by then, among all this technology, the high school kids know and explain what it is for a mathematician in a society like this.


A book to honor the memory of a friend

Kulesz Leopoldo's debt to his friend Manuel Sadosky still unliquidated. Hence, this Doctor of Mathematics and editor of 36 years has long maintained two initiatives to honor his memory. The first is to give the book "Honoris Causa. The legacy of Manuel Sadosky "who ask for it. To do this simply write the email from the publisher, , and ask this volume, which compiles the articles that friends like Mario Bunge Pablo Santiago Kovadloff Jacovkis or have devoted to Sadosky. The second initiative is to publish a book to collect the testimonies of those who knew him to collaborate in this venture, the contact address is the same.

However, Kulesz tribute to his teacher does not end there. Among the collections offered Thrush Books, a teacher's training in mathematics and directs Patricia Sadovsky, niece of Don Manuel and recognized training analyst in the field. For now, the collection consists of 6 books, one of which, "Reading Euclid Beppo Levi, led to the editorial. The book dates from 1947 and was undiscoverable until Sadosky him out of his library in 1999 to recommend it to Kulesz. This was dazzled and, given that nobody wanted to publish his brother Octavio, and he spent 3 thousand dollars and began to Thrush Books.


"We were concerned to learn to reason"

Rebecca Guber was co-authored a reference book for many students in the Mathematical Analysis 60: "The Sadosky" Guber " , as many still call it. Guber is currently 80 years old, employed since 1995 in the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation and participated in drafting the statute governing the foundation that bears the name of his colleague and friend. At his age, remains as active as when Sadosky and she wrote the book.

So remember that time: "Two university professors were banned for political reasons in the 50's. Then we gave private lessons to survive and that detect major shortcoming of the students. As in our respective chairs, Dr. Sadosky addressed the theoretical and I practice. In 2 or 3 years we had prepared the book. " Why work so well? "We were concerned that students learn to reason, not to take exams and go ahead."

Of course, Sadosky-Governmental shared more than a book of mathematics. First, with the arrival of the Triple A in 1974, lived together in exile in Venezuela. Then with the arrival of Alfonsin in 1983, they teamed up in the then Ministry of Science and Technology. This means the duo continued working together over 50 years. In the words of the doctor, theirs was a relationship "warm, friend, beloved."


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