Sunday, March 4, 2007

How To Fix Coyote Snares

Francesco Tonucci (2) Francesco

Clarín, March 4, 2007, Education section

paper version: here.

"Playing live is under the control of emotions that adults are not possible"

In this second talk with Clarin, the expert in childhood Francesco Tonucci, was a common complaint of children to adults. They are convinced that, while providing good ideas to solve all issues, not hear your opinion. Ruben A.


Who has more public space: the adults to park their cars or children to play with friends? The answer to this question exemplifies the questionable sense that the word "progress in today's society. According to Francesco Tonucci teacher, adults abuse their power and turn the cities into prisons for children. And all, as explained by this prestigious specialist in childhood, because "adults only build cities them and their cars, and throw almost all others. "

is so clear: politicians, parents or teachers, for example, making decisions that affect children, but who do not respect these basic rights. What are those rights? "Being able to leave home alone, as a citizen to participate in improving the city, enjoy safe public spaces and the adoption of a culture of childhood", lists Tonucci. For boys, the progress is to live in cities where pedestrians reign and bicycles, to learn in schools that they find funny or avoid boredom at home because they are not allowed out alone. That adults also consult them on how to realize these and other dreams.

Where do you start then? The children's main complaint says this teacher, is asking for more autonomy, moments of freedom where they are not supervised by adults. Parents happen to imprison their children at home and do not let them go out alone because they fear everything: traffic, child molesters, who were removed shoes and money, including the slides of the park. Tonucci understands the concern about the insecurity, but argued against: "The data says that 90 percent of violence against children occurs at home, not in the street." He adds: "If children can not going out alone, can not play. Play requires the autonomy and freedom to live experiences as an adventure, discovery, risk ... Emotions that, under the supervision of adults, are not possible and that children need to mature. "

The following claim about children is that adults do not take into account their views, although they have good ideas to resolve issues that affect everyone. "Good ideas, really? Then a few questions for both sides, with the answers sought Tonucci in February when he met with kids from Rosario and Buenos Aires. Easy: what do they like to children? Parents: "Watching TV and playing video game." Children: "Playing with other children." A policy: how to make the city safer? Team adults: "More police!". The one with the kids: "fill the city of children." Again the same questions, whether big, suddenly, becomes creative: how to make the city safer? The losers: "We installed video cameras." The winners: "Take two parents drinking mate in each block."

regard, Tonucci reflects: "Adults have a perverse capacity to think that living alone can be happy. In contrast, children know that to be happy need to others and claim that public spaces, where the public picks up the sense of shared space, and not reserved. " Therefore, neither GDP or inflation, progress must be measured by the ability of adults to put in the heart of society to children and talk to them, that's what differentiates a company from others. Tonucci sums it up: "Children are pretty much everywhere, what changes is the ability of adults to listen and support them in what they propose." Cheaper could not be the formula for progress and happiness to talk to the kids.



Francesco Tonucci vino acá para celebrar los diez años de adhesión de Rosario a La ciudad de los niños, una iniciativa mundial que conciencia a la sociedad de que los chicos también son ciudadanos. Como fundador del proyecto, el pedagogo se mostró encantado con los logros rosarinos y destacó la gran creatividad y el empuje del equipo coordinado por Chiqui González y Silvia Alderoqui. Entre las propuestas infantiles implementadas en la ciudad, la favorita del italiano es El día del juego: el primer miércoles de octubre las escuelas abren sólo para jugar, incluso la Policía corta varias streets for people mate and the kids are at ease. The idea was born in 1998 and since then more than 500 companies have joined the celebration and give an hour off her personal. Why? To play, of course.


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