Thursday, April 30, 2009

Does Mucinex Harm Liver

Semana de Oro (Golden)

We are in the Golden Week! Sounds a little to the announcement of the English Court ...
Every year from late April through to early May, will celebrate several national holidays:

29 de Abril: Día de Showa ( Youwanohi to Showa Day )
3 de Mayo: Día en memoria de la Constitución ( Kenpouki Constitution Day and Year )
4 de Mayo: Día Verde ( · Green Day Green Hi )
5 de Mayo: Día de los Niños ( Children's Day Children's Hi )

Although May 1 is not a national holiday in Japan, many workers are calling a day off to get a week off. In Japan, this week is the longest holiday season of the year.

Showa Day
"Showa" is the name of the Age of Emperor Hirohito, which lasted from 1926 to 1989. During his time, on April 29 was the National Party because it was the birthday of Emperor Hirohito. After his death, and could no longer be celebrated as his birthday, he changed his name to Midori no hi "( みどり の ひ みどりの日 ) which literally means" Green Day . "Beginning in 2007, has once again changed the name of the party. In honor of Emperor Hirohito that ruled the Showa era, has been called "Showa no hi ( し ょうわのひ 昭和 の 日 ), the" Showa Day ".

Remembrance Day of the Constitution
In 1947, after the Second War World has entered into force on that day. The Constitution of Japan ( に ほん こく けんぽう 日本国 憲法 ) is also called The Constitution of the Peace (へ いわ けんぽう 平和 憲法) and Article 9, which is defined not going to Japan Nigun commit to more and declares war pacifism. On November 3, 1946 (one year ants) was published the Constitution, and that day is celebrated as the " Culture Day" ( ぶん か の ひ 文化 の 日 ) and other National Party of Japan.

Green Day
As explained above, from 1989 to 2006, " Green Day" was April 29. Since 2007, the party moved to May 4. That day, the vast majority of national and provincial parks are left open for free, and there are several events dealing with naturareza in Japan.

Children's Day
May 5th is the Day Children (こども の ひ 子供 の 日). And that day is the happiness and growth of children. For girls, there is another holiday called "Hinamaturi (ひな祭り ひな祭り)

On this feast of the Child, will speak at an upcoming article.

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