Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Predict The Structure Of H2se

Hinamatsuri (Doll Festival)

Photo: Dairibina (内 里 雏 だいり びな)

On March 3 is Hina-matsuri ( 雛 祭りひな まつり ) that is a feast of dolls, which is dedicated to girls. To this day, we decorated the house with Dairi-bina ( 内 里 雏 だいり び ) which are a wrist between man and woman dressed in Kimono. Each doll represents the Emperor and Empress.

The origin of Hinamatsuri dolls comes from a known Nagashi-bina ( 流し 雛 ながし びな ) as you see in the picture (below) are Hina dolls (雏 ひな) in paper, and left in the river to be carried along evil spirits. This was a Shinto ritual, and some provinces in Japan have this ritual and do Nagashi-bina on the day of Hina-matsuri .

Photo: Nagashibina (流し 雛 ながし びな)

complete the decoration of dolls is like you see in the picture below, has several platforms. Those who are above all is the Emperor and Empress. In the second platform are placed Sannin-Kanjo ( 三人 官 女 さん に ん かんじ ょ ) que son tres mujeres que cuidan al Emperador ya la Emperatriz. En la tercera plataforma, están Gonin-bayashi ( Bayashi your five court musicians offender ) son músicos que portan los instrumentos tradicionales japoneses.

Foto: Hinakazari (decoration decoration Hina Hina) Completo

En la cuarta plataforma, están Zuijin ( incidental flood dust yourself ) are bodyguards. Always two. And in the fifth platform are Shichou ( 仕丁 しちょう ) that are companions and are always three.

All these dolls are called Hina Hina-Ningyo ( 雏 人形 ひな に ん ぎょ う ). And all the dolls wear the dress of the Heian Era ( 平安 へ い あん ) and the upper class. There are several documents and books say that in the Heian Era , upper-class girls were playing with Hina-Ningyo , and that game was called Hina-asobi (雛遊び ひな あそび).

Today, Hina-Ningyo is used only for this event. From one or two weeks before the March 3, the family that has children decorating Hina-Ningyo . But you have to save before they spend the night of March 3! Because if still in place Hina-Ningyo days after March 3, girls in the house can not marry in the future, or maybe marry, but very very late. It is a popular belief, but everyone is just in case ...

Photo: Chirashi-zushi (ちらし 寿司 ちらし ずし)

That day, he usually eats a special meal, called Chirashi-zushi ( ちらし寿司 ちらし ずし ). It's kind of Sushi. Used Shushi rice is lightly seasoned rice vinegar, and put any ingredient (fish, eggs, vegetables or mushrooms) and mix.

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