Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Who Would Get Down Syndrome More Men Or Women

Variedades de Sushi (sushi kind)

Sushi has many styles and today I want to explain the varieties of Sushi. Depending on its way to serve, has a different name.

Photo: Nigiri-zushi (握り 寿司)

(1) Nigiri-zushi ( 握り 寿司 に ぎりずし )
Nigiri-zushi Sushi is the most common style. Into a ball of rice, and put up fresh fish. This fish is served raw, but is also used grilled fish, boiled fish or pickled fish. between fish and rice, put a bit of Wasabi ( わさび ) which is a spicy green. Can be ordered Nigiri-zushi without Wasabi, and this is called Sabi-nuki ( さびぬき ).

(2) Maki-zushi ( 巻き 寿司 まき ずし )
The " Maki" means "Rollo." There are 3 types of maki-zushi . The Maki Sushi is a style that is mounted with Nori (海苔 のり) filled with one or more ingredients. The Nori is a dried seaweed sheet.

Photo : Futo-Maki (太 巻)

* Futo-Maki ( 太 巻 ふと まき )
The Futo-Maki is a style of Maki-zushi big and thick. More or less than about 5 cm in diameter. It is usually mounted with various fish and vegetable ingredients. Futo-Maki The photo takes a roasted egg, seaweed, cucumber, crab and seasoned fish.

Photo: Hoso-Maki (细 巻)

* Hoso-Maki ( 细 巻 ほそ まき )
The H bear-Maki is a style of Maki-zushi small intestine. It is typically used only one ingredient. There is a Hoso-Maki cucumber that has a special name, and is called Kappa-maki ( 河童 巻き · かっぱ まき ). Kappa is a Japanese mythological creature who say they live in rivers and likes the cucumber!

Photo: Ura-Maki (里 巻)

* Ura-Maki ( 里 巻 )
The Ura-Maki is a style of Maki-zushi that wraps backwards. Normalmente Maki-zushi tiene las algas en la parte exterior y el arroz dentro, pero el Ura-Maki tiene las algas en el interior y el arroz en el exterior rodeandolas. Nació este estilo cuando se inventó el "California rolls" en EEUU; lleva aguacate como un ingrediente en vez de pescado. En aquella epoca, los extranjeros no estaban muy acostumbrados a comer pescados crudo y algas, así que para tapar las algas desarrollaron un estilo enrollandolo al reves.

Foto: Temaki-zushi(手巻き寿司)

(3) Temaki-zushi ( Sushi Maki Sushi with )
El Temaki-zushi es un tipo de Maki-zushi enrollado a mano. Tiene una figura de cono y lleva arroz y varios ingredientes dentro. Se suele comer Temaki-zushi en familia, enrollando cada uno su Temaki-zushi en la mesa.

Foto: Gunkan-zushi (Mamoru Hitoshi warship)

( 4) Gunkan-zushi ( Gunkanzushi Mamoru Hitoshi warship )
The Gunkan-zushi is a sushi style has shape of a ship. A ball of rice surrounded by seaweed and vertically positioned above an ingredient. Are often placed eggs, sea urchin, as well as seasoned seafood.

Photo: Chirashi-zushi (散し 寿司)

(5) Chirashi-zushi ( 散し 寿司 ちらし ずし )
The Chirashi-zushi is a style quite Sushi different than we've seen so far. Serve in a bowl. Seasoned rice vinegar is like other types of sushi, and rice are placed on top of seafood, eggs and seaweed cut etc. It is usually eaten on March 3, which is the Feast of the girls (or Comic Party).

Photo: Oshi-zushi (押し 寿司)

(6) Oshi-zushi ( 押し 寿司 おし ずし )
The Oshi-zushi is a Sushi that is prepared using a rectangular mold. Pressing rice and fish at a time, and becomes a rectangle shape as you can see in the picture.

Photo: Inari-zushi (稲 荷 寿司)

(7) Inari-zushi ( 稲 荷 寿司 いなりずし )

The Inari-zushi is a Sushi style bag. That bag is made of fried tofu, which is called Ahura-age ( 油揚げ あぶら あげ ). The rice is seasoned with vinegar and mixed with various ingredients such as carrot or Kanpyou ( 干 瓢 かん ぴょう ). Kanpyou is a kind of cabbage dried and then cooked with soy sauce and sugar.

(8) Regional Eating Sushi as
There are several types of Sushi as regional food. Here I present a couple of styles of sushi as an example.

Photo: Kakinoha-zushi (柿 の 葉 寿司)

* Kakinoha-zushi ( 柿 の 葉 寿司 かき の はず し )
The Kakinoha-zushi is a sushi of regional food as provinces of Nara, Wakayama and Ishikawa. It surrounds the plant leaf Kaqui to keep several days Sushi. The ingredient is usually Salmon, Bream or Anago (a kind of eel).

Photo: Saba-zushi (鲭 寿司)

* Saba-zushi ( 鲭 寿司 さば ずし )
The Saba-zushi is sushi in the area of \u200b\u200bKyoto and its environs. "Saba " means "Verdel" and the translation is "Verdel sushi." Place a piece of mackerel on top of rice and wrapped with Konbu (昆布 こんぶ)

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