Sunday, January 25, 2009

Kates Playground The Rabbits

Today I will discuss the writings Japanese. We have 4 different scripts that are Hiragana (ひ ら が な) Katakana (カタカナ) Kanji (汉字) and Romaji (ローマ字).

can say that Hiragana and Katakana are like our alphabet. A letter of Hiragana or Katakana is composed of a consonant and a vowel. Hiragana and Katakana are like uppercase and lowercase. That is, whenever there is no equivalence between them. Hiragana is used for things Japanese, and Katakana for the things of origin abroad. Also, your name will always be written in Katakana.

Hiragana (ひ ら が な)
(Click the list to see fullsize)

In the right column are the 5 vowels. Combining K, S, T, N, H, M, Y, R, W with the vowels, they form a Japanese lyrics. For example, K to A "か" (KA), S with A "さ" (SA) and so on.

Then there are more combinations. Since one of the letters to take two points "is covertiría in another letter. さ → ざ , is an example. Another letter was comvierte in another letter with a circle º. は → ぱ is an example.

This is the list of Full Hiragana
(Click the list to view full size)

Romaji is a way of writing Japanese using the alphabet. What you see in the list next to the Japanese letters are Romaji. Romaji is used mainly for foreigners who visit Japan and letters can not read Japanese. It is not something widely used in everyday life.

Japanese Kanji are letters of Chinese origin. Exsisted many Kanji. But officially uses about 2,000 Kanji . In 9 years of compulsory education, students learn about 1,300 Kanji. When they leave the second 15-year compulsory education, they can read newspapers.

Any words can be written in Hiragana and Katakana, but not all in Kanji. Of course in Romaji also be written, but not Romaji Japanese original point, we speak of 3 scripts. Kanji represents the concept and meaning of words. There are words that phonetically sound alike but have different meanings. And this is where it makes sense to use Kanji.

For example,
"ち (chi)" could mean: Blood
Earth (地 )
Wisdom ()

"ひ (hi)" IRDP mean:
Day (日 ) Fire
(火 )
Sun or Sun Ray ()

The words that have been imported from abroad are called Gairaigo (外来 语 が いらい ご). I already explained that Gairaigo, Katakana is usually used. For example, Tabak Snuff is in Japanese and is written in Katakana タバコ . But one thing that was introduced many centuries ago and brought the ancient Japanese Kanji for it. Also, you can write in Kanji, and 烟草 . Kanji for Ateji Gairaigo called (当 字 あてじ). Using Ateji, you could write your name in Kanji as well!


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