Thursday, January 29, 2009

Do A3 Poster In Powerpoint

Religions in Japan

In Japan there is no state religion. The constitution includes the separation of Religion - State clearly. In addition, most Japanese are unaware that they are believers of some religion. But culture, tradition and idiosyncrasy in Japan are based on Buddhism ( 仏 教 ぶっ きょう ) and Shintoism (神道 しんとう) .

who are baptized Christians in Japan are less than 1% of the population, but Christmas is celebrated as a commercial event. Many people marry for the Catholic church, but in most cases it is a simple ceremony and
has no religious meaning.

In Japan there is a custom called Hatsumoude ( 初 诣 は つもう で ) is a habit of visiting temples in the first 3 days of the year. Each year more than 90 million people across Japan visit temples in these 3 days, but like Christmas, do it as an event and in most cases, has no religious meaning.
exsisted many Japanese who visit the tempol only those early days of the year. So most people do not because they are practitioners of religion.

But today we speak of religion in Japan.
could say that the Shintoism and Buddhism are two major religions in Japan.

Image: Kojiki (古 事 记 こ じき)

The Shintoism is a religion of Japanese origin. In this religion, there is one God as in Christianity or Buddhism. Nor has a single sacred book like the Bible for Christians.
But there are several reference books like Kojiki
( 古 事 记 こ じき ) or Nihonshoki ( 日本 书 纪 に ほん しょき) .

Gods that appear in these Books are like the Gods of Greek myths. There is also the philosophy of Yaoyorozu-no-Kami ( 八 百 万 の 神 や お よろず の かみ ), which literally means Gods 8 million (= many Gods). Previously, we thought the Japanese in the mountains Naturareza as , river, land , trees, vegetation or animals, or natural phenomena like wind , rain , fire or lightning were Gods. (That's why add so many!).

Image: Nihon Shoki (日本 书 纪 に ほん しょき)

In Shinto, Jinja small drop ( 神社 じん じゃ ) which is the sanctuary Gods of Nature. It is a sacred building, but it is a place to give a mass for the faithful. Simpremente there is deified to the gods of the area. There are about 85,000 Jinja in Japan. The most important Jinja Izumo-Taisha (either too Izumo Taisha) que está en la provincia de Shimane. El Taisha es un Jinja de máxima categoría.

Foto: Izumo-Taisha (Izumo not without even Taisha)

El Shintoismo se divide en 4 ramas diferentes.

1: Koshitu-Shinto ( political Shitsu this imperial Shinto ):
Sintoismo de la Familia Imperial

2: Jinja-Shinto ( Shrine Shinto shrine political ):
Sintoismo en la forma de Jinja

3: Kyoha -Shinto ( political sect Shinto today ):
Sectas de Shintoismo

4: Minkan-Shinto ( political commercial dry Shinto Min ): Shintoism

Today in general term, when we say Shinto Jinja-Shinto means .

Image: Horyuji (法 隆 寺 ほう りゅうじ)

The Buddhism is a religion of Hindu origin. Its founder is Siddhartta Gautama, known as Budda . This religion came to Japan through China in the sixth century. In Japan exsisted about 75,000 Buddhist temples and more than 300,000 Figures of Buddha. One of the most important Temple Horyuji ( 法 隆 寺 ほう りゅうじ ) that is in the province of Nara. It a wooden building the world's oldest which was built in 607. Is registered as a World Heritage Site .

Photo: Torii (鸟 居 とり い)

The Jinja and Temple and look much from the outside. It's a bit hard to distinguish. There is a very easy way of knowing if this is a sacred building Shintoism or Buddhism . In the Jinya, usually find Arco called Torii (鸟 居 とり い ), which is a border between the profane and the sacred.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Normal For A Wart To Turn White

The variety of Japanese food Japanese Writing

Today, Japanese food is famous worldwide. In Madrid, where I live, there are many Japanese restaurants bueos.

When we talk about la comida japonesa, lo primero que se nos ocurre pnesar es dos comidas tipicas:
Sushi ( sushi ) y Sashimi ( sashimi ).

Foto: Sushi (sushi)

Foto: Sashimi (sashimi)

The Sashimi is raw fish , and Sushi Sashimi is a with a ball of rice. The rice used for sushi is lightly seasoned with vinegar and .

Any fish may be Sushi Sashimi and . Even eating the puffer fish Fugu ( 鳆 フグ ) in Japan. But this fish is a deadly poison in the gut and is only allowed to cook if the cook has a special license given by the Japanese government. For this reason, it is not allowed to cook at home and you can not buy fish entire globe in the market. If you want to eat puffer fish, go to a specialty restaurant or buy it made.

Photo: Fugu-sashi (ふぐ 刺し)

Other well-known Japanese meals are Soba ( 荞麦 そば ) Tempura ( 天妇罗 てんぷら ) Misoshiru ( 味噌 汁 みそ しる ) Okonomiyaki ( only fried pancake Oko ) Yakisoba ( yakisoba noodles ) Ramen ( ramen ) Gyoza ( gyoza dumplings ) Yakiniku ( fried meat meat ) Curry Rice ( Curry )

Photo: Soba (荞麦 そば)

are very traditional Japanese noodles. The Soba is made from flour Soba (a plant) and has a gray color. Sieve is cold as you see in the picture, or a bowl of hot soup. In Japan, there is a custom to eat Soba the end of the year and this is called Soba Toshi-Koshi-Soba ( 年越し 蕎麦 と し こし そば ). It has to eat and finish before 12:00 pm and say they finished the bowl of Soba brings luck for the coming year. Conversely, if you leave something in the bowl will bring bad luck.

Photo: Tempura (天妇罗 てんぷら)
Tempura is a coating of vegetables and seafood.

Photo: Misoshiru (味噌 汁 みそ しる)

Misoshiru is a soup made with the base Miso paste ( 味噌 みそ ). Miso paste is made from soybean . It's like a stew of vegetables, shells and / or algae etc ... In Japan, traditionally Misoshiru breakfast with white rice, with a bit of seaweed, or eggs or Natto (what eplicaré later!). It is also eaten for lunch and dinner. It's a very homemade soup and each family takes out a special flavor. So for many Japanese a taste of Misoshiru is the flavor of the mother.

Photo: Okonomiyaki (お好み焼き おこ のみ やき)

Okonomiyaki is a very traditional food like others, but it is very common. It is a flour pancake with vegetables, seafood, meats, etc.. It is cooked on the grill.

Photo: Ramen (ラーメン)

Ramen is a food of Chinese origin, but has evolved in the original way in Japan. Are noodles in the soup, and put up vegetables, meat, or eggs etc ... The flavor of the soup is very varied. The most common are Shoyu ( 醤 油 しょうゆ ) which is soy sauce or Miso ( 味噌 みそ ) or Tonkotsu ( 豚 骨 とんこつ ) that hacecon the pork bone broth.

Photo: Gyoza (饺子 ぎょ う ざ)

Gyoza is also a food of Chinese origin. Is a patty of minced meat and grilled vegetables. Also steamed and is distinguished as Mushi-Gyoza ( 蒸し 餃子 むし ぎょ う ざ ) or served in soup called Sui-Gyoza ( 水 饺子 すい ぎょ う ざ ).

Photo: Yakiniku (焼 肉 やき にく)

Yakiniku is grilled meat. Usually eaten with several people, eg family or friends. In Yakiniku restaurants , there plates at each table and each meat is cooked to your liking. It is a meal Koreano origin, but the type of sauce is slightly different than that of Korea. It is a very common food in Japan, you could include in the category of Japanese food.

Photo: Curry Rice (カレーライス)

Curry Rice is of English origin, who came to Japan through India. It is very different than the Curry of India. It is considered as a home cooked meal, and arguably very difficult to find a Japanese person who likes Curry Rice!

There are more strange things that are eaten in Japan. For many foreigners, much effort is needed to test ...

Photo: Natto (纳豆 なっとう)

The Natt or a product is out of soybeans. Devido viscosity has a lot to fermentation. It smells and tastes very strong and for many foreigners and even some Japanese, it is difficult to get close to the mouth (hahaha). Nutritionally, the Natto is rich in vitamins and albumin and is very easy to digest. Is often take a little soy sauce and mustard and eat it with rice.

Photo: Umeboshi (梅干しう めぼし)

The Umeboshi is a Japanese plum encrutido. In Japan usually eat rice. Is red because it had to Shiso (紫 苏 シソ ). Is widely used for Obento ( お 弁当 お べ んとう ) which is a box to carry food, and the color of rice (white) and above Umeboshi (red) represents the Japanese flag and called Hinomaru-Bento ( 日の丸 弁当 ひ の まる べ んとう ). Hinomaru means the flag of Japan. Also widely used for onigiri ( おにぎり ) which is a rice ball with seaweed.

Kates Playground The Rabbits

Today I will discuss the writings Japanese. We have 4 different scripts that are Hiragana (ひ ら が な) Katakana (カタカナ) Kanji (汉字) and Romaji (ローマ字).

can say that Hiragana and Katakana are like our alphabet. A letter of Hiragana or Katakana is composed of a consonant and a vowel. Hiragana and Katakana are like uppercase and lowercase. That is, whenever there is no equivalence between them. Hiragana is used for things Japanese, and Katakana for the things of origin abroad. Also, your name will always be written in Katakana.

Hiragana (ひ ら が な)
(Click the list to see fullsize)

In the right column are the 5 vowels. Combining K, S, T, N, H, M, Y, R, W with the vowels, they form a Japanese lyrics. For example, K to A "か" (KA), S with A "さ" (SA) and so on.

Then there are more combinations. Since one of the letters to take two points "is covertiría in another letter. さ → ざ , is an example. Another letter was comvierte in another letter with a circle º. は → ぱ is an example.

This is the list of Full Hiragana
(Click the list to view full size)

Romaji is a way of writing Japanese using the alphabet. What you see in the list next to the Japanese letters are Romaji. Romaji is used mainly for foreigners who visit Japan and letters can not read Japanese. It is not something widely used in everyday life.

Japanese Kanji are letters of Chinese origin. Exsisted many Kanji. But officially uses about 2,000 Kanji . In 9 years of compulsory education, students learn about 1,300 Kanji. When they leave the second 15-year compulsory education, they can read newspapers.

Any words can be written in Hiragana and Katakana, but not all in Kanji. Of course in Romaji also be written, but not Romaji Japanese original point, we speak of 3 scripts. Kanji represents the concept and meaning of words. There are words that phonetically sound alike but have different meanings. And this is where it makes sense to use Kanji.

For example,
"ち (chi)" could mean: Blood
Earth (地 )
Wisdom ()

"ひ (hi)" IRDP mean:
Day (日 ) Fire
(火 )
Sun or Sun Ray ()

The words that have been imported from abroad are called Gairaigo (外来 语 が いらい ご). I already explained that Gairaigo, Katakana is usually used. For example, Tabak Snuff is in Japanese and is written in Katakana タバコ . But one thing that was introduced many centuries ago and brought the ancient Japanese Kanji for it. Also, you can write in Kanji, and 烟草 . Kanji for Ateji Gairaigo called (当 字 あてじ). Using Ateji, you could write your name in Kanji as well!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Shooting Nerve Pain On Lsft Side When I Sit Down


was born today my new blog called "THE WINDOW OF JAPAN." The main purpose of writing in English for me is to learn and improve my knowledge of the language. To do this I thought the blog content will have to be very fun. Since I am Japanese, why not write about my country and its customs? Thus was born this blog, I hope every thing that many English speakers de él.

Japón es un pais que está en el Extremo Oriente (Kyokutou Far East), comprende miles de islas. Las 4 islas principales son Hokkaido (if Beihai, Hokkaido) Honshu (UK Honsyuu showers) Shikoku (National Shikoku) y Kyushu (baseball Kyuusyuu showers). Desde la isla más al norte to the southernmost island, there are over 3,500 km away!
Japan has over 120 million of population (almost 3 times more than Spain) in an area smaller than Spain (approximately 70% of Spain). In addition, 80% of Japan's land consists of mountains and the people are quite crowded! The houses tend to be smaller and the buildings tend to be higher than in Spain. The Tokyo area has 3 0 million inhabitants and is the largest world. Tokyo and Osaka are like Madrid and Barcelona. Are 2 major cities in the country, but they have a philosophy and customs very different from each other.

Japan is located above the Pacific Ocean plates , causing many earthquakes throughout the year. The climate of Japan is very different from Spain and is usually very wet. 4 seasons have as in Spain.

Little by little I introduce entries in this blog about culture, art, philosophy, the history, customs, etc ... about my country, Japan!