Saturday, August 11, 2007

Brinks Padlock Lost Combination

strategies to guide future professional

Clarín, 12 de agosto de 2007, suplemento Expo Educativa

Nota en Clarí (incluye videoentrevista): aquí .
Nota en papel: primera página por acá (cuando encuentre el pdf, claro) y segunda por aquí.

Estrategias para decidir mejor hacia dónde
orientar el futuro profesional

Los expertos señalan cuatro etapas clave en la elección de una carrera: indecisión, exploration, definition and reconsideration. Recommend participation in workshops and parents suggest an accompaniment without pressure. Ruben A.


at any time of life, being certain that you choose it is difficult. Cuesta. Examples are many but perhaps the purchase of an apartment is the one that best allows adults to understand how teenagers feel when they decide where to focus their careers. Sell \u200b\u200ban apartment to buy another usually be matched by intense periods of anxiety, where anyone facing uncertainties, conditions or times of confusion. According to Claudia Fuentes, psychologist Management Team de Orientación al Estudiante de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (DOE), quienes egresan del secundario atraviesan las mismas etapas para decidir que un adulto que quiere cambiar de hogar.

Estas etapas son 4: indecisión, exploración, definición y replanteo. Como en el caso del departamento, la certidumbre total —si es que esta llegara a existir— sobre los estudios elegidos se da cuando uno experimenta su decisión, esto es, cuando pasan unos meses. Es más: si en el momento de firmar el boleto de compra de un inmueble, los adultos suelen replantearse la idoneidad de la elección, ¿qué miedos no sufrirán los jóvenes cuando toman la primera gran decisión con que construir su future? So if adults hate the press, guys who leave the child something similar happens. And it is rightly so: this is your first step as emerging adults.

Then, choose the right begins to enjoy an environment where they feel free. Yes, Flores explains: "Too much freedom is not good, the children need to feel listened to, not everything to match. Of course, for parents, teachers and significant adults this means moving in a very sensitive limit and should therefore follow, but always without pressure. That means they have to talk to the kids and that they can discuss their interests, but also must learn to respect the individuality and freedom of those who choose. "

Talking, respecting the period of indecision the boy, accompanying. Translation for parents: in addition to buying guides for the student or car to take children to a vocational workshop in life need to be careful when they talk show, especially when limited to issuing opinions on the various professions. Example: "All actors are lazy," and it appears that the child wants to study drama. Believe it or not, the kids respect the opinions of adults, and each trial the value of these will close a door to the future you imagine.

And the future is better not to put hurdles in advance, even in the classical way of vocational guidance. Flores detailed question today is no longer "What career do I look?", But "What I want to develop activities in the future." Taking this new starting point, the counselor should help deepen the boy alone in their personal interests and join him to discover what path students might describe to satisfy those desires. In this regard, the DOE specialist emphasizes, "Choosing a career is not even a closed point and final destination is another step in building a personal project for the future." Moral: this is the first big decision of many others expect, learn how to turn the uncertainty that accompanies a teaching means starting to be built solidly as a person.

also talk about "future project" instead of "race" helps to address a very common among adolescents, "I want to continue studying, but do not know the why." That's what brought the boys, and from there, counselors, no matter the race, it is important to talk with young people so that they discover for themselves how to articulate what they like and what matters to them with educational offerings and a possible output work. Nobody decides for them, but they take time and learn to decide what is best for themselves.

why the DOE puts the emphasis on providing opportunities for reflection where students share their concerns with peers, psychologists and teachers. "The workshops serve as an area of \u200b\u200bprevention. To the extent that kids can chat about the future, will find themselves better able to cope, "said Flores. Therefore, if the adult world expects their ranks swell with young people eager to learn, you should first tempt you with some wisdom: teaching how to decide for oneself is a good first step. The kids want to grow not lacking.


. Box for free career counseling workshops, UBA:: see here.
. Box for vocational guidance for the CBC:: see here.

. Box-interview with Graciela Attina, Director of the Department of Therapeutic Association of Buenos Aires (APBA)

"We need to ask court." That's a major shortcoming of the children attending the Education Expo, according to Graciela Attina, Director of the Department of Therapeutic Association of Buenos Aires (APBA). Hence, this year, she and the team of 4 psychologists who coordinates workshops divided into a blade that will serve as guide young people what they should do at the fair.

"is to combat the glare they produce in a place so big with so many people and so many stands. Let's be honest: the boys go and gather, meet and gather papers, they talk about the future, I propose workshops, yet many are thinking about graduation trip and others see October next year too far. Ie: the end what happens is they go, get shy and do not know what to ask, "said Attina.

So it's good to come to any of the 4 newspapers and free workshops will dictate APBA in the Education Expo. There psychologists will make them play, and fun way, make them identify some fears that wake them up certain careers, or they will undo mistakes like confusing Human Resources Human Rights. Who also attend crisis may place on preconceptions they bring influences from fashion circulating vocational or live in their environment. Above all, find a counselor that will reflect on two crucial questions to begin building a vocation: "What am very capable" and "What role performance in my family and among my friends? ".

According Attina, these two questions are vital because teens fantasize, feel capable of anything and end up overwhelmed by the sheer range of possibilities available. Put another way: do not know how to separate between his vocation and hobbies. "This is very difficult, especially for those who do well in school, they find it hard to choose. Teenagers develop rich logic, a high capacity associative, but find it hard to rank the ideas, organize them. And that's where we help. "

And why so much effort into a hierarchy? "It must have a clear objective and learn to banks to do so. Agree, that those who have studied a race are only 5 or 6 subjects that excited us, but the rest do not ... And that you also have to pass it to the kids. " But the issue of choosing well, goes further: "When crises hit, hits us all equally, be a photographer or engineer. The title is important, yes, but when an earthquake, the only thing that sustains us is working on what we like. " That is: be satisfied with our project staff.


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