Monday, April 30, 2007

Giving Property To Family Florida

pickled quail eggs

[Digression: about to write an essay]
The trial is a rare thing. The picture of human language and their desire to clear the X. I do not think it is possible to clear the X without a building we call, put a nickname, fiction. Everything I say, what I say, builds the ability to say me.
do not understand.
An essay on the socioeconomic effects of the crisis in the Middle East should use all his weapons at hand to achieve decoding Who is the self that thinks and why he is thinking about it. One hundred and fifty pages, or three hundred, in an essay trying to figure out why I'm thinking about the conflict in the Middle East, would fully realize all that a I can say about the conflict in the Middle East. Clear the X.
does not seem real the possibility of raising an issue, question, study and analyze it, if the development does not stand on the issue, if fictional, one I think.

[Digression 2: now]
Everything to do: to say that my issue with pickled quail eggs could not be thought without the condition biographical of my working life. I live alone and work at home. That is, spend time alone. Which makes me a very hard to believe me, an I logical and well defined. During the days, the presence of others who are different, some others who have to defend themselves and differentiate, eases the job of assembling the short story that would allow one to believe that one is one, and not any other, and not a succession sick of some different meat that supports a constant mutation.
I'm not a meat that supports a changing constantly, mainly because I do not want to be, and so I write the short story than I am.

[Digression 3: the problem Paenza]
So a person without enemies, a person who does not generate, in dealing with others, the need for differentiation, separation, is most likely a schizophrenic person, someone who lends his support meat to what each other wants to think. Is all. Such is the case of Adrian Paenza, a case that I would ever think deeply. I mean you can not write without enemies, because it can not clear the X.

[Disrgresión 4: what do you do + certain friend who you are =]
Some people, perhaps for a stable and enduring quality, perhaps because the type of link with me, become very clearly the question of how you are, or what you do, question who you are or what you are. It's the people that makes you a writer of fiction, which requires the biographical sense knotted chaos.
As I live and work alone at home, I use to get in touch with these people, for the desert significant days, by telephone. So, when friends asked me how andás Augustine, I will say I was eating a pickled quail eggs. Now I'm eating a pickled quail eggs.
be a fictional character involves being suspended between past and future, and build a sense of self that is postulated as the cause of what happened, derived from what happened, and manager of the future. To be one, my own fiction, one day I did something: I prepared a few pickled quail eggs, for another time. No cooked to retrace the immediacy of hunger, but to me a gift, you become complicit forgetting surprise, for those who want it to be me in the future. For example the other day, talking on the phone with friend Augustine. So yes, I'm eating the pickle because I act the character I wrote yesterday.

[Digression 5: self]
the popular genre of fiction these days is self-help. And I find it more sensible as a popular genre, the melodrama, the soap or the detective novels of the past. Writer Manuel Puig built his work played a certain logic of popular fictions of their time, as the serial and the melodramatic plot. With the result set (knowing that managed to find literature through this possibility), we all applaud. Grace would risk losing everything, even literature, like him, immersed in popular fiction now, reinventing his impulse to copy their results. Because even now, to be like Puig, some taken by 'popular' and the idea of \u200b\u200bserialized melodrama. But today is today, after yesterday, and the popular is something else. There to do self-help literature.
[Digression 6: self 2]
When writing a self help book I will propose this solution. If the problem is I do not know who I am, not what role I play in the theater of the day, I can not connect today with yesterday nor tomorrow (I'm not at all), I would say. Get a gift.

[Digression 7: The Gift] birthday
like when a family member or friend, and you think: who is he, who am I, what object can represent what is in between him and me and how, to compel him to take a new possession, I can help me to I believe he is who he is. How to fix it there in my certainty that he is, through the temporary authority for an object that is presumed to be perpetual.

[Digression 8: Self-Help 3]
Well, do the same with whom you will be tomorrow. This time available to delineate the person who wants to be in the future. Retained to prepare a rich than you. tomorrow will have been thankful it was yesterday. And in thanking establish a continuity, a narrative. Inhabit the story proposed by the huge gap between the time spent on cooking a meal and consumed in the eating. You eat, eat to you. same and is the genuine product of their digestion, the matter transformed by time. The cooking time and digestion time are your allies. The mind and the body have their speeches to you. is, stay still, last. Cook for not being cooked. Eat not to be eaten. How? through the account under which you. I called.
would take one example, or examples to work together, self-help text is effective.

[Digression 9: an example]
The cooking time is, in neurosis, so the time of pregnancy to paternal nature: time preparing the fiction of a self that is capable admit, and absorb the impact of novelty, as a son or a meal.

[Digression 10: interrupts + interference = test (2)]
interruptions and interference are important actors in the theater of the day. Thus, Amigo Augustine had to solve a problem, another one of him that made him him in him, and he said he would call me in fifteen minutes. Then I started thinking about this. I was already by then, two things: first, that given their time eating and fragmented in the form of a dozen pickled quail eggs, and chocolates cells exploit their acidity on the palate, and he had some self-help idea derived from the process. Time course. When Augustine called me and we resumed the conversation, I had eaten all the projects of quail. Who was I then? Who wants to talk?
was not the same as before, but it is true that some of the experience stayed and I was, I was a waste.
Because now, after eating rich and knowing, after checking on the taste of my knowledge, I was something.

[Digression 11: Prescription]
Boil for five minutes a dozen quail eggs. Take them out, put them in cold water, peel and pielcita that covers and book them in a jar. On the other hand, heat a skillet with a little oil. Dip a chopped onion and a couple of garlic cloves. When they start to lose color, add one cup of vinegar and a cup of water. Season and add a bay leaf. Cook the mixture fifteen minutes. Then drain and cover the quail eggs with the liquid. Cap. Store in refrigerator. Forget a little, eat something else. Night out, forget the whole rest of the eggs in the refrigerator. Waking with a hangover. Turn on the computer. Try to work in vain. Follow forgotten. This point is important: do not forget to mention the preparation. If you. do not forget, Pickled not be absorbed enough in the body of failed projects quail. Keep trying to work up to despair. Confirm that all the work that had to do today, might well do it tomorrow. Down to the supermarket to buy some beer for the night. Do not forget the packaging. Open the beer barely rests on the table. Now, remember. Open the bottle. Try an egg. Do you like? Congratulations: you are one.
Okay, do we have. Experimental knowledge that would allow us to repeat the action in the future. Know that we can try to do the same quail eggs What we have is the future, which is a slippery material. The sculpture can be done with the most diverse materials, but all are past.

[Digression 12: repeat]
course repetition is impossible. This knowledge compels me to repeat static, not to stay in my fiction, but to return it redundant to become tough in comparison with the past. That know me melancoliza repeatable action. Because I was the discovery, novelty, and now I'm in chains as a result of his own, pure representation of what I was. There are no surprises, no vitality being that, despite everything, life is the time when access to knowledge. For nothing vital is the time to label and store knowledge. Y 'I' is not actor what I was.
What builds on the experience, knowledge. Is the residual effect.

[Digression 13: a metaphor]
We are, as described fictional entities, timeless, the way contingencies wind eroded and sculpted the mountain of waste of our actions. A statue of shit. The knowledge still perpetuated as a recipe, does not generate experience, just heavy. There turned out. So tell me friend Augustine: pickled quail eggs? That was
Yes. And I explain how to do them, and back to being me, which, as every time it is another.
participated in a plot that is represented in several movements, I use my knowledge, my waste, such as axis planes this time they mean making fiction, the fiction of one who is alive. One who lives to tell, and tell invented the number two. A character one of the plot, one that is not me, who am I but I am not, and now knows she could get to know how to prepare some delicious pickled quail eggs. I give the possibility to Augustine that this friend is one who cooks, and eats, and then do not cook or eat it. Only participate, I am articulate. There is an experience on the road, which is the knowledge as a collective experience. The other is being frozen in the recipe, be the collector of waste sculptures of my knowledge. And that represent the anti plot, know that cannibalism eats the other because it includes as a certainty, as a spoil of me.

[Digression 14: end]
have to help yourself, that's fine. Becoming one to launch the spring you into the plot and streamlines collective knowledge to an actor again this in terms of others.
not understand at all this end.
not matter.
to eat.


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